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14 Jan 2014

Forget the regular surveys: they do not reveal the truth.


Show me the truth-webQualitative studies based on statements are unsuitable for understanding the lives of consumers. They are based on what they say they do but not on what they actually do. Why? Simply because they are carried out of the contexts of real life, and out of context, no one is aware of his behaviors.

But to innovate, it is crucial to rely on the truth of today usages before designing new worlds. If declarative studies are unreliable, where will we find the raw material for innovation?

Christophe Rebours details the power of observation to activate the awareness-raising on the daily life in his latest post. Committed to supporting the companies’ movement towards a more reliable understanding of usages, he “fights to establish a body of practices adapted to the new challenges of the companies, the users, the citizens and the society itself. Because it is the guarantee for creating reliable business offers that will ensure the robustness and sustainability of our companies. And because it represents an economic asset that can turn into a model.”
