Soucieuse de maintenir le sérieux et la qualité des prestations de services qu'elle réalise pour ses clients ou futurs clients, l'Agence InProcess rappelle que la consultation et/ou l’utilisation du site www.inprocess-group.com implique l’acceptation et le respect des conditions ci-dessous mentionnées ainsi que des lois applicables en France en matière de communication sur le réseau Internet.
The terms Agency or InProcess Agency or InProcess define all French or foreign subsidiaries that are part of InProcess. All brands mentioned on the website www.inprocess-group.com, particularly:
names, logos, figurative marks, product names and / or services that are quoted or reproduced on the www.inprocess-group.com website are the exclusive property of the clients of InProcess. As such, the user may not, under any circumstances use even partially, reproduce or represent these brands (unless prior written permission of the owners of trademarks). In the absence of a prior written agreement by the owners of trademarks, operation and / or use of these marks is strictly prohibited.
the INPROCESS brand are trademarks belonging to InProcess. Use of the INPROCESS brand is therefore strictly prohibited on any grounds whatsoever without the prior written agreement of the Agency.
The aim of the website www.inprocess-group.com is to present the Agency’s vision, the services it offers and the latest innovations it has created for its customers. Information may be presented in any of the following ways:
ci-après dénommés les Documents (cette liste est non exhaustive).
En tout état de cause, il est rappelé que :
Some features of the website www.inprocess-group.com require the use of the following software:
En accord avec les lois nationales et internationales régissant le droit d’auteur et la propriété intellectuelle (ou autres droits similaires), l’exploitation, l'utilisation, la reproduction, la diffusion, la commercialisation, l’extraction ou la modification de tout ou partie des éléments se trouvant dans le site www.inprocess-group.com est strictement interdite. L'Agence InProcess ne cède aucun droit de propriété intellectuelle sur les Documents et plus généralement sur le contenu du site www.inprocess-group.com, quelle qu'en soit la forme.
Conformément aux règles de « Bon usage » ci-dessus mentionnées, la consultation des Documents ne peut s'interpréter comme une cession, même partielle ou temporaire, des droits de reproduction, de représentation et d'adaptation de tout ou partie des textes, présentations méthodologiques ou éléments visuels ou graphiques composant le site www.inprocess-group.com. Les conditions d’exploitation qui s’attachent aux Documents et plus généralement au contenu du site www.inprocess-group.com sont les suivantes :
En cas d’autorisation de reproduction et/ou de diffusion exceptionnellement consentie par l’Agence InProcess à l’appui d’un accord préalable et écrit, la mention suivante doit impérativement être mentionnée :
COPYRIGHT © 2013 InProcess. All trade marks registered. All rights reserved.
Models, performers and generally all persons represented in photographs and films posted on the website www.inprocess-group.com have consented to the use of their image as part of the services provided for clients of the InProcess Agency. Employees, colleagues and managers of the Agency whose image is used on the website www.inprocess-group.com have consented to the use of graphic material as part of the site and only in this frame. Failing of a written agreement previously made by customers and / or the InProcess Agency, the use of the image the aforementioned persons is strictly prohibited in any capacity whatsoever.
The configuration of the www.inprocess-group.com website allows the InProcess Agency to retrieve information on website users, the aim being to get to know you better and to understand and respond to your needs and wants. Subject to your agreement, we can also send you regular updates that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish this information to be gathered, you can configure your browser to block any cookies coming from our website. InProcess is committed to maintaining strict confidentiality regarding such information which may in no case be subject to resale and / or communicated to third parties. You may also choose not to enter any contact information, thus preventing us from contacting you. The InProcess Agency would like to draw your attention to the fact that, in accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, users have the right to access, correct or delete their personal information: to do this, users should send an email to the following address: [email protected]
The introduction of a hyperlink to the website www.inprocess-group.com requires the prior written permission of the InProcess Agency. If you wish to create a hyperlink to our site, you must therefore contact the Communications Manager from our site.
The hyperlinks installed by InProcess towards other websites do not engage the responsibility of InProcess. InProcess has no control on the content of these websites and provides no warranty regarding the accuracy and completeness of information of any kind, provided on these websites. InProcess could not therefore be held responsible for the content of these websites or the use of information provided on this website.
The website www.inprocess-group.com allows you to easily share on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc..) most of the documents posted online. To share a Document, you must click a button type of sharing "Share" or an icon representing the social network and preceded by the words "Share on". Clicking on this button will take you to type on the social network you selected and invited, if you are not already connected to this network, to connect (with your username and password) or register.
InProcess is not responsible for actions performed by users on the social network website. In case of doubt, problem, complaint or questions, the user should contact the social network.
During a connection on the social network, the server of the social network website can place cookies, on the visitor’s computer, containing his ID and other information that the social network may need to be used in future connections. The information collected on the user by social network, including the pages he visited on our website or other websites, can be exploited by the social network in order to collect information statistics, publish targeted advertising on the user’s computer, etc. This information is not accessible by InProcess.
For more information, please refer to the social network’s Terms of Use, in particular the rules relating to privacy. InProcess does not have access to information exchanged with the social network and is not responsible for the interactions between our website and social network, in particular content (descriptions, invitations to visit InProcess, etc..) added by the user on the social network website. The user shall never make comments that might prejudice to the social network or InProcess (see our terms of use and conditions of use of social network).
These Terms of Use of the website www.inprocess-group.com are submitted to their interpretation and their execution, to French law. In case of dispute, French courts will have jurisdiction.
InProcess 32, rue Pagès – 92150 Suresnes – France
S.A.S au capital de 40.000 euros – 441 087 913 RCS Nanterre
Tél :
COPYRIGHT © 2013 InProcess. All trade marks registered. All rights reserved.
Website designed by FCINQ